Best Fat Burning Foods – 5 Natural Foods to Burn Fat Safely

There are a lot of confusion in what to eat and what you do not eat when it comes to losing weight. It seems that everyone has an opinion on what is good for you and what is not good for you these days, including doctors, scientists, government agencies, particularly the media. How are you should know what they eat to help you to lose weight?

Here is a list of 5 things (OK, I cheated, they are not all exactly in the food …), the history and science ever eaten, if you can help to lose weight.

5 Food Fats:


Broccoli is good for your health in general as well as the burning of fat. It is with phytochemical and antioxidant, the immune system and is also intended to help fight cancer. Broccoli contains calcium D-glucarate from keeping and developing the hormone and is full of fiber. It is a bit of carb snack that you should be in your daily diet.


Almonds are a low-carbohydrate snack is easy to transport and work with you to help your appetite under control every day. They have fat, fiber and protein for good health and your energy all day without the sugar in the blood.


The salmon is a nutrient that was “back, again, mainly because he a high fat content, but it is an excellent source of protein and omega-3-fatty acids, without any doubt to burn fat faster.

Green Tea

Green tea is a fat burner and contains a large amount of healthy nutrients. It has been shown to help fight cancer, and contains antioxidants, caffeine and one called EGCG or epigallocatechin gallates. The combination of caffeine and EGCG was looking to help to burn fat. You want to drink several cups per day. If you have a slight bitterness of green tea, honey, a little gross for a glass, whether hot or cold.


Water is the basic substance of life and more than 70% of our body, but most Americans are chronically dehydrated. The signal of the water body is sometimes referred to as hunger, so you can immediately benefit, stay hydrated. The water is for flushing waste and toxins from the body, and this is even more important if you have lost weight. Drink at least 8-10 (8 oz) of water daily.

OK, the food is from 2 drinks, but each of them is important for health, and they will help you to burn fat. Make sure these foods to your diet to health and begins to burn fat all much faster.

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